CES 2018
The Trade Show Manager team recently returned from CES 2018 (Consumer Electronics Show), where we had the pleasure of supporting a group of incredible startups in the NC Research Triangle Startup Pavilion. CES is an amazing show. As one of the world’s largest technology shows, the statistics are mind-blowing:
  • 185,000 attendees
  • 4,000 exhibitors
  • 2.75 million square feet of exhibit space
But more importantly – what makes CES truly amazing is that the show has become a global meeting place where technology leaders, innovation entrepreneurs, investors and the media come together for four days to meet, see the latest technological innovations, identify potential partners and network. CES 2018I’ve been fortunate to experience CES from many sides, managing show operations as a CES staff member, scouting new technologies for client trade shows and most recently, helping startups from the NC Research Triangle showcase their incredible innovations at Eureka Park – the Startup Hall at CES. Coca-Cola, Ford, General Motors, Google, Honda, Husqvarna, Intel, Kohler, Microsoft, Netflix, Samsung, and Toyota were only a few of the 450+ companies and individuals that visited our NC exhibitors – coming from more than 30 countries and nearly every state in the US and Canadian province – we can truly say that the world came to NC at CES. NC Research Triangle Startup PavilionBecause CES is a horizontal show and isn’t focused on a single industry vertical, the show is incredibly diverse and dynamic, featuring companies and innovations for every possible consumer application. Combined with the international exhibitor base – our immediate neighbors at Eureka Park included pavilions from Singapore, Holland, France and Germany – it’s truly a global experience and a fantastic opportunity for startups seeking broad exposure for their innovations.

NC Research Triangle Startup Pavilion at CES

Members of our NC Research Triangle Startup Pavilion included the following companies: As the Pavilion organizer and sponsor, The Trade Show Manager was able to create the opportunity for our exhibitors not only to attend CES but to engage on a deeper level by providing a Social Media Ambassador and support staff to capture leads. We’ll share more on that in a future post. CES is a mammoth show and exhibiting here can be exhausting – even for the most experienced exhibitor. Our NC startups did a fantastic job throughout the show – showcasing their companies and innovations, making significant contacts with potential partners, investors and the media and truly representing the startup talent we have here in the Triangle.

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