The Trade Show Manager is a leading consulting firm to the Trade Show 200, national associations and corporate exhibitors. The Trade Show Manager provides sponsorship and exhibitor sales, special project management & implementation as well as show operations and logistics.

The Trade Show Manager can develop and implement a plan to expand existing sponsorship programs to drive additional revenues and engagement, lead exhibitor sales efforts, plan & implement special projects to boost attendee excitement or celebrate a milestone, or provide on-site operations and logistics support as an extended part of the show staff team.  

The Trade Show Manager team includes senior trade show, event & sales professionals with extensive hands-on experience with a range of shows and clients from CES to NIRI and IACP. 

The Trade Show Manager

Dorothy Wilkes Bedor


Dorothy Bedor started in trade show operations management for CES—the world’s largest consumer electronics show and spent more than 15 years managing operations for large and complex shows including IMTS and IACP. Through her work with IMTS, Dorothy became one of the first women members of the Major American Trade Show Organizers (MATSO) community, where she contributed to the group’s growth and recognition within the industry.

In 2011, Dorothy founded The Trade Show Manager to help her peers in the Trade Show 200 transform solid shows and meetings into exceptional experiences for exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees.  Dorothy has developed and expanded sponsorship programs for national events, managed special projects for Trade Show 200 clients, implemented exhibitor sales for major shows and events, and provided on-site management for shows and meetings in  Chicago, Las Vegas, Orlando, New York and Mexico City among others.

A frequent speaker on trade show management and exhibitor sales and education,  Dorothy earned her Certified Exposition Manger (CEM) in 1992 and is a graduate of the International Association of Exhibition and Events Leadership Institute (now the Krakoff Leadership Institute).

Dorothy has a B.S. from North Carolina State University.mail Dorothy 

John Bedor

Vice President, Sales & marketing

For more than two decades, John has directed sales and marketing teams for a number of healthcare, financial,   marketing and professional services firms in the U.S., U.K and Sothern Africa, where he has closed more than $200 million in new client sales and government contracts. As a former marketing director and consultant, John has managed trade show marketing and events for a number of clients and has been an exhibitor at U.S., Canadian and U.K. trade shows for more than 15 years.

Prior to his work with The Trade Show Manager and his consulting practice, John held senior sales executive positions with several national marketing firms where he helped acquire a variety of major healthcare clients including Siemens, Boston Scientific, PPD, Carl Zeiss, Massachusetts General Hospital, Carolinas Healthcare and Loma Linda University Health among others. In addition to his work in healthcare, John worked with a number of clients and partners in the financial and information industries including Dow Jones, The Globe and Mail, the Financial Times, Yahoo, Quicken Canada, the Toronto Stock Exchange and NASDAQ among others.

John is a graduate of The College of William & Mary and earned his MBA from Georgetown University.

Email John

Janet M. Kennedy

Director of Digital Services

Janet Kennedy is a 20+-year marketing and social media professional and is the Host of the “Get Social Health” podcast sharing best practice stories and interviews about social media in healthcare. Janet has interviewed medical futurists, healthcare practitioners and ePatients, digital health advocates, and entrepreneurs. She is the founder of the Get Social Health Academy, a coaching and eLearning consultancy producing online courses for Healthcare Associations, Medical Societies, and private practices. Janet is also the developer of “Social Content Solutions” and an educational membership site to support the healthcare practice in social media content and marketing education.